Business Introduction Answers - Ch 3 : Business Ethically & Responsibly

By hadyan luthfan - December 29, 2014

1. What basic factors should be considered in any ethical decision ?
Rights, Caring, Justice, and Utility

2. Who are an organization’s stakeholders? Who are the major stakeholders with which most businesses must be concerned?
Stakeholders include customers, employees, investors, suppliers, and local communities in which the firm operates. Most businesses will need to consider all these.

3. What are the major areas of social responsibility with which business should be concerned?
The environment, customers, employees, and investors.

4. What are the four basic approaches to social responsibility?

Obstructionist (firm does as little as possible to solve social or environmental problems), Defensive (company meets only minimum legal requirements in its commitments to stakeholders)
Accommodative (firm exceeds legal minimum if specifically asked to do so), and
Proactive (firm actively seeks opportunities to contribute to the well-being of groups and individuals in its social environment.

5. In what ways do you think your personal code of ethics might clash with the operations of some companies? How might you try to resolve those differences?
Trying to increase the employer’s sense of social responsibility to quitting the company to work elsewhere.

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